lunes, 20 de junio de 2011

The Flag’s Day, June 20 

The Argentine flag was raised for the first time on February 27, 1812 at the banks of the Paraná river by Leiutenant General Manuel Belgrano. It is said that its creator was inspired by the colour of the sky or the Virgin’s cloak when he chose its colours, but in fact, there were the light blue and white of the escarapela (already worn by that time) which finally gave the colour to the national flag. On June 20, 1816 the Congress officially declared the flag designed by Belgrano as the national symbol. In 1918 the sun was added on the white strip to be used in case of a war. In 1938, June 20 was declared The Flag’s Day and a national holiday, in homage to its creator, who died on June 20, 1820.

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